Thursday, December 28, 2006


Wow I'm finally blogging! Been dreaming of this for absolute ages. Now its here, I'm here and I'm lost trying to decide on my topic/title. Should I write abt me n my life, abt life in good old Nigeria (Naija for short). Or is it to be romance and the fickleness of life, hurts, job STRESS, issues issues issues. Dont know but what I do know is we are going to have plenty of fun. Have always loved writing. Actually both the writing and written. love to read. It seems its become such a part of me that my two year old son goes to the bookshelf and gets me any book he can lay his hands on the moment he sees me seating without one. Its one of his favourite words too. "Mama, Book, Book". Love him to death by the way. He is my lil angel, just hearing his strangely husky voice makes me smile. Oh and his Dad is my big angel!!! Ok this has been fun for now but gotta run and get some work done. Will defitely be sending you some good stuff soon. Ciao Ciao